Convert Sothic Cycles to Lustres

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  2. Time >
  3. Sothic Cycles >
  4. Sothic Cycles to Lustres

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Lustres to Sothic Cycles
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Unit Descriptions
1 Sothic Cycle:
1 Sothic cycle is equal to 1461 years of 365 days. Also 1460 Julian years (365.25 days).
1 Lustre:
1 Lustre is equal to 5 years of 365 days each.

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Conversions Table
1 Sothic Cycles to Lustres = 292.270 Sothic Cycles to Lustres = 20454
2 Sothic Cycles to Lustres = 584.480 Sothic Cycles to Lustres = 23376
3 Sothic Cycles to Lustres = 876.690 Sothic Cycles to Lustres = 26298
4 Sothic Cycles to Lustres = 1168.8100 Sothic Cycles to Lustres = 29220
5 Sothic Cycles to Lustres = 1461200 Sothic Cycles to Lustres = 58440
6 Sothic Cycles to Lustres = 1753.2300 Sothic Cycles to Lustres = 87660
7 Sothic Cycles to Lustres = 2045.4400 Sothic Cycles to Lustres = 116880
8 Sothic Cycles to Lustres = 2337.6500 Sothic Cycles to Lustres = 146100
9 Sothic Cycles to Lustres = 2629.8600 Sothic Cycles to Lustres = 175320
10 Sothic Cycles to Lustres = 2922800 Sothic Cycles to Lustres = 233760
20 Sothic Cycles to Lustres = 5844900 Sothic Cycles to Lustres = 262980
30 Sothic Cycles to Lustres = 87661,000 Sothic Cycles to Lustres = 292200
40 Sothic Cycles to Lustres = 1168810,000 Sothic Cycles to Lustres = 2922000
50 Sothic Cycles to Lustres = 14610100,000 Sothic Cycles to Lustres = 29220000
60 Sothic Cycles to Lustres = 175321,000,000 Sothic Cycles to Lustres = 292200000

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