Convert Watt-hours to Calories (15 °c)

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  2. Energy, Work, And Heat >
  3. Watt-hours >
  4. Watt-hours to Calories (15 °c)

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Unit Descriptions
1 Watt-hour:
Amount of one Watt of energy (not necessarily electrical) expended in one hour. 1 Watt is 1 kg * m2 * s-3. 1 Watt-hour is equal to 3600 Joules (SI base unit). 1 Wh = 3600 J.
1 Calorie (15 °C):
Approximately 4.2045 Joules (SI). Amount of energy required to warm 1 gram of water (air free) from 14.5 °C to 15.5 °C.

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Conversions Table
1 Watt-hours to Calories (15 °c) = 856.225570 Watt-hours to Calories (15 °c) = 59935.7831
2 Watt-hours to Calories (15 °c) = 1712.450980 Watt-hours to Calories (15 °c) = 68498.0378
3 Watt-hours to Calories (15 °c) = 2568.676490 Watt-hours to Calories (15 °c) = 77060.2925
4 Watt-hours to Calories (15 °c) = 3424.9019100 Watt-hours to Calories (15 °c) = 85622.5473
5 Watt-hours to Calories (15 °c) = 4281.1274200 Watt-hours to Calories (15 °c) = 171245.0945
6 Watt-hours to Calories (15 °c) = 5137.3528300 Watt-hours to Calories (15 °c) = 256867.6418
7 Watt-hours to Calories (15 °c) = 5993.5783400 Watt-hours to Calories (15 °c) = 342490.1891
8 Watt-hours to Calories (15 °c) = 6849.8038500 Watt-hours to Calories (15 °c) = 428112.7364
9 Watt-hours to Calories (15 °c) = 7706.0293600 Watt-hours to Calories (15 °c) = 513735.2836
10 Watt-hours to Calories (15 °c) = 8562.2547800 Watt-hours to Calories (15 °c) = 684980.3782
20 Watt-hours to Calories (15 °c) = 17124.5095900 Watt-hours to Calories (15 °c) = 770602.9254
30 Watt-hours to Calories (15 °c) = 25686.76421,000 Watt-hours to Calories (15 °c) = 856225.4727
40 Watt-hours to Calories (15 °c) = 34249.018910,000 Watt-hours to Calories (15 °c) = 8562254.7271
50 Watt-hours to Calories (15 °c) = 42811.2736100,000 Watt-hours to Calories (15 °c) = 85622547.2708
60 Watt-hours to Calories (15 °c) = 51373.52841,000,000 Watt-hours to Calories (15 °c) = 856225472.7078

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