Convert Calories (15 °c) to Watt-hours

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  4. Calories (15 °c) to Watt-hours

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Unit Descriptions
1 Calorie (15 °C):
Approximately 4.2045 Joules (SI). Amount of energy required to warm 1 gram of water (air free) from 14.5 °C to 15.5 °C.
1 Watt-hour:
Amount of one Watt of energy (not necessarily electrical) expended in one hour. 1 Watt is 1 kg * m2 * s-3. 1 Watt-hour is equal to 3600 Joules (SI base unit). 1 Wh = 3600 J.

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Conversions Table
1 Calories (15 °c) to Watt-hours = 0.001270 Calories (15 °c) to Watt-hours = 0.0818
2 Calories (15 °c) to Watt-hours = 0.002380 Calories (15 °c) to Watt-hours = 0.0934
3 Calories (15 °c) to Watt-hours = 0.003590 Calories (15 °c) to Watt-hours = 0.1051
4 Calories (15 °c) to Watt-hours = 0.0047100 Calories (15 °c) to Watt-hours = 0.1168
5 Calories (15 °c) to Watt-hours = 0.0058200 Calories (15 °c) to Watt-hours = 0.2336
6 Calories (15 °c) to Watt-hours = 0.007300 Calories (15 °c) to Watt-hours = 0.3504
7 Calories (15 °c) to Watt-hours = 0.0082400 Calories (15 °c) to Watt-hours = 0.4672
8 Calories (15 °c) to Watt-hours = 0.0093500 Calories (15 °c) to Watt-hours = 0.584
9 Calories (15 °c) to Watt-hours = 0.0105600 Calories (15 °c) to Watt-hours = 0.7008
10 Calories (15 °c) to Watt-hours = 0.0117800 Calories (15 °c) to Watt-hours = 0.9343
20 Calories (15 °c) to Watt-hours = 0.0234900 Calories (15 °c) to Watt-hours = 1.0511
30 Calories (15 °c) to Watt-hours = 0.0351,000 Calories (15 °c) to Watt-hours = 1.1679
40 Calories (15 °c) to Watt-hours = 0.046710,000 Calories (15 °c) to Watt-hours = 11.6792
50 Calories (15 °c) to Watt-hours = 0.0584100,000 Calories (15 °c) to Watt-hours = 116.7917
60 Calories (15 °c) to Watt-hours = 0.07011,000,000 Calories (15 °c) to Watt-hours = 1167.9167

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