Convert Watt-seconds to Foot-pounds Force

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  2. Energy, Work, And Heat >
  3. Watt-seconds >
  4. Watt-seconds to Foot-pounds Force

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Foot-pounds Force to Watt-seconds
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Unit Descriptions
1 Watt-second:
Amount of one Watt of energy (not necessarily electrical) expended in one second. 1 Watt-second the equivalent of 1 Joule. 1 Ws = 1 J.
1 Foot-Pound Force:
Exactly g x 1 lb x 1 ft. Approximately 1.3558179483314004 Joules (SI). The amount of energy it takes to push with 1 pound-force for a distance of 1 foot.

Link to Your Exact Conversion

Conversions Table
1 Watt-seconds to Foot-pounds Force = 0.737670 Watt-seconds to Foot-pounds Force = 51.6294
2 Watt-seconds to Foot-pounds Force = 1.475180 Watt-seconds to Foot-pounds Force = 59.005
3 Watt-seconds to Foot-pounds Force = 2.212790 Watt-seconds to Foot-pounds Force = 66.3806
4 Watt-seconds to Foot-pounds Force = 2.9502100 Watt-seconds to Foot-pounds Force = 73.7562
5 Watt-seconds to Foot-pounds Force = 3.6878200 Watt-seconds to Foot-pounds Force = 147.5124
6 Watt-seconds to Foot-pounds Force = 4.4254300 Watt-seconds to Foot-pounds Force = 221.2686
7 Watt-seconds to Foot-pounds Force = 5.1629400 Watt-seconds to Foot-pounds Force = 295.0249
8 Watt-seconds to Foot-pounds Force = 5.9005500 Watt-seconds to Foot-pounds Force = 368.7811
9 Watt-seconds to Foot-pounds Force = 6.6381600 Watt-seconds to Foot-pounds Force = 442.5373
10 Watt-seconds to Foot-pounds Force = 7.3756800 Watt-seconds to Foot-pounds Force = 590.0497
20 Watt-seconds to Foot-pounds Force = 14.7512900 Watt-seconds to Foot-pounds Force = 663.8059
30 Watt-seconds to Foot-pounds Force = 22.12691,000 Watt-seconds to Foot-pounds Force = 737.5621
40 Watt-seconds to Foot-pounds Force = 29.502510,000 Watt-seconds to Foot-pounds Force = 7375.6215
50 Watt-seconds to Foot-pounds Force = 36.8781100,000 Watt-seconds to Foot-pounds Force = 73756.2149
60 Watt-seconds to Foot-pounds Force = 44.25371,000,000 Watt-seconds to Foot-pounds Force = 737562.1493

Similar Energy, Work, And Heat Units

Common Units