Convert Watt-hours to Gallons-atmosphere (imperial)

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  2. Energy, Work, And Heat >
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  4. Watt-hours to Gallons-atmosphere (imperial)

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Unit Descriptions
1 Watt-hour:
Amount of one Watt of energy (not necessarily electrical) expended in one hour. 1 Watt is 1 kg * m2 * s-3. 1 Watt-hour is equal to 3600 Joules (SI base unit). 1 Wh = 3600 J.
1 Gallon-Atmosphere (imperial):
Exactly 1 atm x 1 gal (imp). Approximately 460.63256925 Joules (SI).

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Conversions Table
1 Watt-hours to Gallons-atmosphere (imperial) = 7.815370 Watt-hours to Gallons-atmosphere (imperial) = 547.0738
2 Watt-hours to Gallons-atmosphere (imperial) = 15.630780 Watt-hours to Gallons-atmosphere (imperial) = 625.2272
3 Watt-hours to Gallons-atmosphere (imperial) = 23.44690 Watt-hours to Gallons-atmosphere (imperial) = 703.3806
4 Watt-hours to Gallons-atmosphere (imperial) = 31.2614100 Watt-hours to Gallons-atmosphere (imperial) = 781.534
5 Watt-hours to Gallons-atmosphere (imperial) = 39.0767200 Watt-hours to Gallons-atmosphere (imperial) = 1563.0679
6 Watt-hours to Gallons-atmosphere (imperial) = 46.892300 Watt-hours to Gallons-atmosphere (imperial) = 2344.6019
7 Watt-hours to Gallons-atmosphere (imperial) = 54.7074400 Watt-hours to Gallons-atmosphere (imperial) = 3126.1359
8 Watt-hours to Gallons-atmosphere (imperial) = 62.5227500 Watt-hours to Gallons-atmosphere (imperial) = 3907.6698
9 Watt-hours to Gallons-atmosphere (imperial) = 70.3381600 Watt-hours to Gallons-atmosphere (imperial) = 4689.2038
10 Watt-hours to Gallons-atmosphere (imperial) = 78.1534800 Watt-hours to Gallons-atmosphere (imperial) = 6252.2718
20 Watt-hours to Gallons-atmosphere (imperial) = 156.3068900 Watt-hours to Gallons-atmosphere (imperial) = 7033.8057
30 Watt-hours to Gallons-atmosphere (imperial) = 234.46021,000 Watt-hours to Gallons-atmosphere (imperial) = 7815.3397
40 Watt-hours to Gallons-atmosphere (imperial) = 312.613610,000 Watt-hours to Gallons-atmosphere (imperial) = 78153.3969
50 Watt-hours to Gallons-atmosphere (imperial) = 390.767100,000 Watt-hours to Gallons-atmosphere (imperial) = 781533.9688
60 Watt-hours to Gallons-atmosphere (imperial) = 468.92041,000,000 Watt-hours to Gallons-atmosphere (imperial) = 7815339.6879

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