Convert Watt-hours to Foot-poundals

  1. Kyle's Converter >
  2. Energy, Work, And Heat >
  3. Watt-hours >
  4. Watt-hours to Foot-poundals

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Unit Descriptions
1 Watt-hour:
Amount of one Watt of energy (not necessarily electrical) expended in one hour. 1 Watt is 1 kg * m2 * s-3. 1 Watt-hour is equal to 3600 Joules (SI base unit). 1 Wh = 3600 J.
1 Foot-Poundal:
Exactly 1 lb*ft2/s2. Approximately 4.21401100938048 x 10-2 Joules (SI).

Link to Your Exact Conversion

Conversions Table
1 Watt-hours to Foot-poundals = 85429.297570 Watt-hours to Foot-poundals = 5980050.8219
2 Watt-hours to Foot-poundals = 170858.594980 Watt-hours to Foot-poundals = 6834343.7964
3 Watt-hours to Foot-poundals = 256287.892490 Watt-hours to Foot-poundals = 7688636.771
4 Watt-hours to Foot-poundals = 341717.1898100 Watt-hours to Foot-poundals = 8542929.7455
5 Watt-hours to Foot-poundals = 427146.4873200 Watt-hours to Foot-poundals = 17085859.491
6 Watt-hours to Foot-poundals = 512575.7847300 Watt-hours to Foot-poundals = 25628789.2366
7 Watt-hours to Foot-poundals = 598005.0822400 Watt-hours to Foot-poundals = 34171718.9821
8 Watt-hours to Foot-poundals = 683434.3796500 Watt-hours to Foot-poundals = 42714648.7276
9 Watt-hours to Foot-poundals = 768863.6771600 Watt-hours to Foot-poundals = 51257578.4731
10 Watt-hours to Foot-poundals = 854292.9746800 Watt-hours to Foot-poundals = 68343437.9642
20 Watt-hours to Foot-poundals = 1708585.9491900 Watt-hours to Foot-poundals = 76886367.7097
30 Watt-hours to Foot-poundals = 2562878.92371,000 Watt-hours to Foot-poundals = 85429297.4552
40 Watt-hours to Foot-poundals = 3417171.898210,000 Watt-hours to Foot-poundals = 854292974.5524
50 Watt-hours to Foot-poundals = 4271464.8728100,000 Watt-hours to Foot-poundals = 8542929745.5235
60 Watt-hours to Foot-poundals = 5125757.84731,000,000 Watt-hours to Foot-poundals = 85429297455.235

Similar Energy, Work, And Heat Units

Common Units