Convert Thousand Dekatherms (us) to Million Dekatherms (us)

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  4. Thousand Dekatherms (us) to Million Dekatherms (us)

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Unit Descriptions
1 Thousand Dekatherms (US):
Roughly energy equivalent of a million cubic feet of natural gas (MMCF). Equivalent to 1 000 000 000 BTU; thousand dekatherm (US) based on the BTU59° f popular in USA. 1 Thousand dekatherms (MDth US) = 1 054 804 000 000 joules (J).
1 Million Dekatherms (US):
Roughly energy equivalent of a billion cubic feet of natural gas (BCF). Equivalent to 1 000 000 000 000 BTU; based on the BTU59° f popular in USA. 1 Million dekatherms (MMDth US) = 1 054 804 000 000 000 joules (J).

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Conversions Table
1 Thousand Dekatherms (us) to Million Dekatherms (us) = 0.00170 Thousand Dekatherms (us) to Million Dekatherms (us) = 0.07
2 Thousand Dekatherms (us) to Million Dekatherms (us) = 0.00280 Thousand Dekatherms (us) to Million Dekatherms (us) = 0.08
3 Thousand Dekatherms (us) to Million Dekatherms (us) = 0.00390 Thousand Dekatherms (us) to Million Dekatherms (us) = 0.09
4 Thousand Dekatherms (us) to Million Dekatherms (us) = 0.004100 Thousand Dekatherms (us) to Million Dekatherms (us) = 0.1
5 Thousand Dekatherms (us) to Million Dekatherms (us) = 0.005200 Thousand Dekatherms (us) to Million Dekatherms (us) = 0.2
6 Thousand Dekatherms (us) to Million Dekatherms (us) = 0.006300 Thousand Dekatherms (us) to Million Dekatherms (us) = 0.3
7 Thousand Dekatherms (us) to Million Dekatherms (us) = 0.007400 Thousand Dekatherms (us) to Million Dekatherms (us) = 0.4
8 Thousand Dekatherms (us) to Million Dekatherms (us) = 0.008500 Thousand Dekatherms (us) to Million Dekatherms (us) = 0.5
9 Thousand Dekatherms (us) to Million Dekatherms (us) = 0.009600 Thousand Dekatherms (us) to Million Dekatherms (us) = 0.6
10 Thousand Dekatherms (us) to Million Dekatherms (us) = 0.01800 Thousand Dekatherms (us) to Million Dekatherms (us) = 0.8
20 Thousand Dekatherms (us) to Million Dekatherms (us) = 0.02900 Thousand Dekatherms (us) to Million Dekatherms (us) = 0.9
30 Thousand Dekatherms (us) to Million Dekatherms (us) = 0.031,000 Thousand Dekatherms (us) to Million Dekatherms (us) = 1
40 Thousand Dekatherms (us) to Million Dekatherms (us) = 0.0410,000 Thousand Dekatherms (us) to Million Dekatherms (us) = 10
50 Thousand Dekatherms (us) to Million Dekatherms (us) = 0.05100,000 Thousand Dekatherms (us) to Million Dekatherms (us) = 100
60 Thousand Dekatherms (us) to Million Dekatherms (us) = 0.061,000,000 Thousand Dekatherms (us) to Million Dekatherms (us) = 1000

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Common Units