Convert Thousand Dekatherms (us) to Electronvolts

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  2. Energy, Work, And Heat >
  3. Thousand Dekatherms (us) >
  4. Thousand Dekatherms (us) to Electronvolts

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Unit Descriptions
1 Thousand Dekatherms (US):
Roughly energy equivalent of a million cubic feet of natural gas (MMCF). Equivalent to 1 000 000 000 BTU; thousand dekatherm (US) based on the BTU59° f popular in USA. 1 Thousand dekatherms (MDth US) = 1 054 804 000 000 joules (J).
1 Electronvolt:
Exactly e x 1 V. Approximately 1.6021773 x 10-19 Joules (SI).

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Conversions Table
1 Thousand Dekatherms (us) to Electronvolts = 6.583565877817E+3070 Thousand Dekatherms (us) to Electronvolts = 4.6084961144719E+32
2 Thousand Dekatherms (us) to Electronvolts = 1.3167131755634E+3180 Thousand Dekatherms (us) to Electronvolts = 5.2668527022536E+32
3 Thousand Dekatherms (us) to Electronvolts = 1.9750697633451E+3190 Thousand Dekatherms (us) to Electronvolts = 5.9252092900353E+32
4 Thousand Dekatherms (us) to Electronvolts = 2.6334263511268E+31100 Thousand Dekatherms (us) to Electronvolts = 6.583565877817E+32
5 Thousand Dekatherms (us) to Electronvolts = 3.2917829389085E+31200 Thousand Dekatherms (us) to Electronvolts = 1.3167131755634E+33
6 Thousand Dekatherms (us) to Electronvolts = 3.9501395266902E+31300 Thousand Dekatherms (us) to Electronvolts = 1.9750697633451E+33
7 Thousand Dekatherms (us) to Electronvolts = 4.6084961144719E+31400 Thousand Dekatherms (us) to Electronvolts = 2.6334263511268E+33
8 Thousand Dekatherms (us) to Electronvolts = 5.2668527022536E+31500 Thousand Dekatherms (us) to Electronvolts = 3.2917829389085E+33
9 Thousand Dekatherms (us) to Electronvolts = 5.9252092900353E+31600 Thousand Dekatherms (us) to Electronvolts = 3.9501395266902E+33
10 Thousand Dekatherms (us) to Electronvolts = 6.583565877817E+31800 Thousand Dekatherms (us) to Electronvolts = 5.2668527022536E+33
20 Thousand Dekatherms (us) to Electronvolts = 1.3167131755634E+32900 Thousand Dekatherms (us) to Electronvolts = 5.9252092900353E+33
30 Thousand Dekatherms (us) to Electronvolts = 1.9750697633451E+321,000 Thousand Dekatherms (us) to Electronvolts = 6.583565877817E+33
40 Thousand Dekatherms (us) to Electronvolts = 2.6334263511268E+3210,000 Thousand Dekatherms (us) to Electronvolts = 6.583565877817E+34
50 Thousand Dekatherms (us) to Electronvolts = 3.2917829389085E+32100,000 Thousand Dekatherms (us) to Electronvolts = 6.583565877817E+35
60 Thousand Dekatherms (us) to Electronvolts = 3.9501395266902E+321,000,000 Thousand Dekatherms (us) to Electronvolts = 6.583565877817E+36

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