Convert Therms (u.s.) to Watt-hours

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  2. Energy, Work, And Heat >
  3. Therms (u.s.) >
  4. Therms (u.s.) to Watt-hours

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Unit Descriptions
1 Therm (U.S.):
Exactly 100,000 BTU59 °F. Approximately 1.054804 x 108 Joules (SI). Therm (U.S.) is based on the 59 °F BTU, see Therm (E.C.) for Therms based on the international table BTU.
1 Watt-hour:
Amount of one Watt of energy (not necessarily electrical) expended in one hour. 1 Watt is 1 kg * m2 * s-3. 1 Watt-hour is equal to 3600 Joules (SI base unit). 1 Wh = 3600 J.

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Conversions Table
1 Therms (u.s.) to Watt-hours = 29300.111170 Therms (u.s.) to Watt-hours = 2051007.7778
2 Therms (u.s.) to Watt-hours = 58600.222280 Therms (u.s.) to Watt-hours = 2344008.8889
3 Therms (u.s.) to Watt-hours = 87900.333390 Therms (u.s.) to Watt-hours = 2637010
4 Therms (u.s.) to Watt-hours = 117200.4444100 Therms (u.s.) to Watt-hours = 2930011.1111
5 Therms (u.s.) to Watt-hours = 146500.5556200 Therms (u.s.) to Watt-hours = 5860022.2222
6 Therms (u.s.) to Watt-hours = 175800.6667300 Therms (u.s.) to Watt-hours = 8790033.3333
7 Therms (u.s.) to Watt-hours = 205100.7778400 Therms (u.s.) to Watt-hours = 11720044.4444
8 Therms (u.s.) to Watt-hours = 234400.8889500 Therms (u.s.) to Watt-hours = 14650055.5556
9 Therms (u.s.) to Watt-hours = 263701600 Therms (u.s.) to Watt-hours = 17580066.6667
10 Therms (u.s.) to Watt-hours = 293001.1111800 Therms (u.s.) to Watt-hours = 23440088.8889
20 Therms (u.s.) to Watt-hours = 586002.2222900 Therms (u.s.) to Watt-hours = 26370100
30 Therms (u.s.) to Watt-hours = 879003.33331,000 Therms (u.s.) to Watt-hours = 29300111.1111
40 Therms (u.s.) to Watt-hours = 1172004.444410,000 Therms (u.s.) to Watt-hours = 293001111.1111
50 Therms (u.s.) to Watt-hours = 1465005.5556100,000 Therms (u.s.) to Watt-hours = 2930011111.1111
60 Therms (u.s.) to Watt-hours = 1758006.66671,000,000 Therms (u.s.) to Watt-hours = 29300111111.111

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