Convert Horsepower-hours to Watt-hours

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  2. Energy, Work, And Heat >
  3. Horsepower-hours >
  4. Horsepower-hours to Watt-hours

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Unit Descriptions
1 Horsepower-Hour:
1 hp x 1 hr
1 Watt-hour:
Amount of one Watt of energy (not necessarily electrical) expended in one hour. 1 Watt is 1 kg * m2 * s-3. 1 Watt-hour is equal to 3600 Joules (SI base unit). 1 Wh = 3600 J.

Link to Your Exact Conversion

Conversions Table
1 Horsepower-hours to Watt-hours = 745.699970 Horsepower-hours to Watt-hours = 52198.991
2 Horsepower-hours to Watt-hours = 1491.399780 Horsepower-hours to Watt-hours = 59655.9897
3 Horsepower-hours to Watt-hours = 2237.099690 Horsepower-hours to Watt-hours = 67112.9884
4 Horsepower-hours to Watt-hours = 2982.7995100 Horsepower-hours to Watt-hours = 74569.9872
5 Horsepower-hours to Watt-hours = 3728.4994200 Horsepower-hours to Watt-hours = 149139.9743
6 Horsepower-hours to Watt-hours = 4474.1992300 Horsepower-hours to Watt-hours = 223709.9615
7 Horsepower-hours to Watt-hours = 5219.8991400 Horsepower-hours to Watt-hours = 298279.9486
8 Horsepower-hours to Watt-hours = 5965.599500 Horsepower-hours to Watt-hours = 372849.9358
9 Horsepower-hours to Watt-hours = 6711.2988600 Horsepower-hours to Watt-hours = 447419.9229
10 Horsepower-hours to Watt-hours = 7456.9987800 Horsepower-hours to Watt-hours = 596559.8973
20 Horsepower-hours to Watt-hours = 14913.9974900 Horsepower-hours to Watt-hours = 671129.8844
30 Horsepower-hours to Watt-hours = 22370.99611,000 Horsepower-hours to Watt-hours = 745699.8716
40 Horsepower-hours to Watt-hours = 29827.994910,000 Horsepower-hours to Watt-hours = 7456998.7158
50 Horsepower-hours to Watt-hours = 37284.9936100,000 Horsepower-hours to Watt-hours = 74569987.1582
60 Horsepower-hours to Watt-hours = 44741.99231,000,000 Horsepower-hours to Watt-hours = 745699871.5823

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