Convert Gallons-atmosphere to Watt-seconds

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  2. Energy, Work, And Heat >
  3. Gallons-atmosphere >
  4. Gallons-atmosphere to Watt-seconds

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Unit Descriptions
1 Gallon-Atmosphere:
Exactly 1 atm x 1 gal (US). Approximately 383.5568490138 Joules (SI).
1 Watt-second:
Amount of one Watt of energy (not necessarily electrical) expended in one second. 1 Watt-second the equivalent of 1 Joule. 1 Ws = 1 J.

Link to Your Exact Conversion

Conversions Table
1 Gallons-atmosphere to Watt-seconds = 383.556870 Gallons-atmosphere to Watt-seconds = 26848.9794
2 Gallons-atmosphere to Watt-seconds = 767.113780 Gallons-atmosphere to Watt-seconds = 30684.5479
3 Gallons-atmosphere to Watt-seconds = 1150.670590 Gallons-atmosphere to Watt-seconds = 34520.1164
4 Gallons-atmosphere to Watt-seconds = 1534.2274100 Gallons-atmosphere to Watt-seconds = 38355.6849
5 Gallons-atmosphere to Watt-seconds = 1917.7842200 Gallons-atmosphere to Watt-seconds = 76711.3698
6 Gallons-atmosphere to Watt-seconds = 2301.3411300 Gallons-atmosphere to Watt-seconds = 115067.0547
7 Gallons-atmosphere to Watt-seconds = 2684.8979400 Gallons-atmosphere to Watt-seconds = 153422.7396
8 Gallons-atmosphere to Watt-seconds = 3068.4548500 Gallons-atmosphere to Watt-seconds = 191778.4245
9 Gallons-atmosphere to Watt-seconds = 3452.0116600 Gallons-atmosphere to Watt-seconds = 230134.1094
10 Gallons-atmosphere to Watt-seconds = 3835.5685800 Gallons-atmosphere to Watt-seconds = 306845.4792
20 Gallons-atmosphere to Watt-seconds = 7671.137900 Gallons-atmosphere to Watt-seconds = 345201.1641
30 Gallons-atmosphere to Watt-seconds = 11506.70551,000 Gallons-atmosphere to Watt-seconds = 383556.849
40 Gallons-atmosphere to Watt-seconds = 15342.27410,000 Gallons-atmosphere to Watt-seconds = 3835568.4901
50 Gallons-atmosphere to Watt-seconds = 19177.8425100,000 Gallons-atmosphere to Watt-seconds = 38355684.9014
60 Gallons-atmosphere to Watt-seconds = 23013.41091,000,000 Gallons-atmosphere to Watt-seconds = 383556849.0138

Similar Energy, Work, And Heat Units

Common Units