Convert Foot-pounds Force to Watt-hours

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  2. Energy, Work, And Heat >
  3. Foot-pounds Force >
  4. Foot-pounds Force to Watt-hours

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Unit Descriptions
1 Foot-Pound Force:
Exactly g x 1 lb x 1 ft. Approximately 1.3558179483314004 Joules (SI). The amount of energy it takes to push with 1 pound-force for a distance of 1 foot.
1 Watt-hour:
Amount of one Watt of energy (not necessarily electrical) expended in one hour. 1 Watt is 1 kg * m2 * s-3. 1 Watt-hour is equal to 3600 Joules (SI base unit). 1 Wh = 3600 J.

Link to Your Exact Conversion

Conversions Table
1 Foot-pounds Force to Watt-hours = 0.000470 Foot-pounds Force to Watt-hours = 0.0264
2 Foot-pounds Force to Watt-hours = 0.000880 Foot-pounds Force to Watt-hours = 0.0301
3 Foot-pounds Force to Watt-hours = 0.001190 Foot-pounds Force to Watt-hours = 0.0339
4 Foot-pounds Force to Watt-hours = 0.0015100 Foot-pounds Force to Watt-hours = 0.0377
5 Foot-pounds Force to Watt-hours = 0.0019200 Foot-pounds Force to Watt-hours = 0.0753
6 Foot-pounds Force to Watt-hours = 0.0023300 Foot-pounds Force to Watt-hours = 0.113
7 Foot-pounds Force to Watt-hours = 0.0026400 Foot-pounds Force to Watt-hours = 0.1506
8 Foot-pounds Force to Watt-hours = 0.003500 Foot-pounds Force to Watt-hours = 0.1883
9 Foot-pounds Force to Watt-hours = 0.0034600 Foot-pounds Force to Watt-hours = 0.226
10 Foot-pounds Force to Watt-hours = 0.0038800 Foot-pounds Force to Watt-hours = 0.3013
20 Foot-pounds Force to Watt-hours = 0.0075900 Foot-pounds Force to Watt-hours = 0.339
30 Foot-pounds Force to Watt-hours = 0.01131,000 Foot-pounds Force to Watt-hours = 0.3766
40 Foot-pounds Force to Watt-hours = 0.015110,000 Foot-pounds Force to Watt-hours = 3.7662
50 Foot-pounds Force to Watt-hours = 0.0188100,000 Foot-pounds Force to Watt-hours = 37.6616
60 Foot-pounds Force to Watt-hours = 0.02261,000,000 Foot-pounds Force to Watt-hours = 376.6161

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