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  2. Luminous Intensity >
  3. Candlepower

Convert Candlepower to:

  • Candlepower to Candelas
    • 1 Candela is the SI base unit of luminous intensity defined by a beam of light in specific direction with a frequency of 540x1012 hertz and a radiant intensity of 1/683 watt per steradian. Similar to the light emitted by one candle.

  • Candlepower to Candlepower (new)
    • Candlepower (new) is equivalent to the candela (SI base unit). In 1948 the candlepower was changed to a new more easily reproducible standard from the old candlepower (0.981 new candlepower). Later, the name was changed to Candela to avoid confusion.

  • Candlepower to Carcels
    • Intensity of the unit standard Carcel lamp light having a flame measuring 40 millimeters high and burning 42 grams of colza oil per hour. Approximately 9.74 candela (SI base unit). 1 Carcel ≈ 9.74 cd.

  • Candlepower to German Candles
    • 1.162 - 1.223 Hefner Candles per Practical Treatise industrial electricity, 1889. 1 German candle is approximately 1.0971 candela (SI base unit) with a range of approximately 0.02806 candela, plus or minus. 1 German candle ≈ 1.0971 cd +/- 0.02806 cd.

  • Candlepower to Hefnerkerze
    • Light of the unit standard Hefner lamp burning amyl acetate with a flame height of 40 mm and a wick diameter of 8 mm. 1 Hefnerkerze is approximately 0.92 candela (SI base unit) 1 HZ ≈ 0.92 cd.

  • Candlepower to Kilocandelas
    • 1 kilocandela is exactly one thousand candelas. Candela being the SI base unit of luminous intensity. 1 kcd = 1000 cd.

  • Candlepower to Millicandelas
    • 1 Millicandela is exactly one thousandth of a candela. Candela being the SI base unit of luminous intensity. 1 mcd = 0.001 cd.

  • Candlepower to Munich Candles
    • Approximately 0.153 carcel per Practical Treatise industrial electricity, 1889. 1 Munich candle is approximately 1.49022 candela. 1 Munich candle ≈ 1.49022 cd.

  • Candlepower to Violle
    • Light emitted by 1 cm2 of platinum at its melting point. 1 Voille is approximately 20.17 candela (SI base unit). 1 Voille ≈ 20.17 cd.