Convert Kilowatt-Hours to Horsepower-Hours

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  2. Energy, Work, And Heat >
  3. Kilowatt-Hours >
  4. Kilowatt-Hours to Horsepower-Hours

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Horsepower-Hours to Kilowatt-Hours
(or just enter a value in the "to" field)

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Unit Descriptions
1 Kilowatt-Hour:
1 kW * 1 hr
1 Horsepower-Hour:
1 hp x 1 hr

Link to Your Exact Conversion

Conversions Table
1 Kilowatt-Hours to Horsepower-Hours = 1.34170 Kilowatt-Hours to Horsepower-Hours = 93.8715
2 Kilowatt-Hours to Horsepower-Hours = 2.68280 Kilowatt-Hours to Horsepower-Hours = 107.2818
3 Kilowatt-Hours to Horsepower-Hours = 4.023190 Kilowatt-Hours to Horsepower-Hours = 120.692
4 Kilowatt-Hours to Horsepower-Hours = 5.3641100 Kilowatt-Hours to Horsepower-Hours = 134.1022
5 Kilowatt-Hours to Horsepower-Hours = 6.7051200 Kilowatt-Hours to Horsepower-Hours = 268.2044
6 Kilowatt-Hours to Horsepower-Hours = 8.0461300 Kilowatt-Hours to Horsepower-Hours = 402.3066
7 Kilowatt-Hours to Horsepower-Hours = 9.3872400 Kilowatt-Hours to Horsepower-Hours = 536.4088
8 Kilowatt-Hours to Horsepower-Hours = 10.7282500 Kilowatt-Hours to Horsepower-Hours = 670.511
9 Kilowatt-Hours to Horsepower-Hours = 12.0692600 Kilowatt-Hours to Horsepower-Hours = 804.6133
10 Kilowatt-Hours to Horsepower-Hours = 13.4102800 Kilowatt-Hours to Horsepower-Hours = 1072.8177
20 Kilowatt-Hours to Horsepower-Hours = 26.8204900 Kilowatt-Hours to Horsepower-Hours = 1206.9199
30 Kilowatt-Hours to Horsepower-Hours = 40.23071,000 Kilowatt-Hours to Horsepower-Hours = 1341.0221
40 Kilowatt-Hours to Horsepower-Hours = 53.640910,000 Kilowatt-Hours to Horsepower-Hours = 13410.2209
50 Kilowatt-Hours to Horsepower-Hours = 67.0511100,000 Kilowatt-Hours to Horsepower-Hours = 134102.209
60 Kilowatt-Hours to Horsepower-Hours = 80.46131,000,000 Kilowatt-Hours to Horsepower-Hours = 1341022.0896

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