Time Lapse Duration

  1. Kyle's Converter >
  2. Calculators >
  3. Photography and Videography >
  4. Time Lapse Duration

Time Lapse Duration Calculation:

  • cD =

    Number of days (with or without a decimal) that will be captured by the time lapse period.

  • cH =

    Number of hours (with or without a decimal) that will be captured by the time lapse period.

  • cM =

    Number of minutes (with or without a decimal) that will be captured by the time lapse period.

  • cS =

    Number of seconds (with or without a decimal) that will be captured by the time lapse period.

  •  S =

    Number of seconds between each frame captured by the camera during shooting. Use a decimal for multiple frames captured per second.

  •  P =

    Number of frames per second (with or without a decimal) in the final output video.

  • tH =

    Number of hours for the final time lapse video at the given shooting length, shooting interval, and video frame rate.

  • tM =

    Number of minutes for the final time lapse video at the given shooting length, shooting interval, and video frame rate.

  • tS =

    Number of seconds for the final time lapse video at the given shooting length, shooting interval, and video frame rate.


    Choose the number of decimals to show in your answer. This is also known as significant figures. Select an appropriate amount of significant figures based on the precision of the input numbers.

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Time Lapse Duration Background

For a camera where shooting interval is fixed and the frame rate of the final output video is known this will calculate the running length of the output video based on how long the time lapse is running.


Need to find the frame shooting interval?

Time Lapse Interval