Running Pace Metric Converter

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Running Pace Metric Converter Calculation:

  • pm =

    Running pace minutes field, how many minutes it will take to run one unit of the selected distance

  • ps =

    Running pace seconds field, seconds portion of your total pace required to run one unit of the selected distance

  • du =

    Distance unit your pace was measured in, Imperial/US Customary or Metric. Output will be the other unit

  • om =

    Minutes portion of your run pace scaled for one output distance unit

  • os =

    Seconds portion of your run pace scaled for one output distance unit

  • ou =

    Distance dimension for the output pace, opposite of your specified input from the selection of miles or kilometres


    Choose the number of decimals to show in your answer. This is also known as significant figures. Select an appropriate amount of significant figures based on the precision of the input numbers.

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Running Pace Metric Converter Formula

You will need a measured running pace per one mile or one kilometre. This formula will convert your running pace per mile to pace per kilometres (or the opposite direction below).


Convert running pace per kilometre to pace per mile.


Conversion factor for miles to kilometres.

FACTOR: 1.609344

Running Pace Conversion Factor
Running Pace per Mile to Pace per Kilometre

Running Pace Metric Converter Variables

A running pace measured in time and the unit that the pace was measured in are required inputs. The outputs will be the new pace in the new unit of measurement.

Pace: Minutes (pm)
Minutes portion of the pace measured for a distance of one mile or one kilometre, with the input units of measure set accordingly.
Pace: Seconds (ps)
Seconds portion of the pace measured for a distance of one mile or one kilometre, with the input units of measure set accordingly.
Distance Units (du)
Distance of one mile or one kilometre that the input pace was measured at. The output pace will be calculated to match the alternative unit.
Output Pace: Minutes (om)
Minutes portion of the output pace. The output pace will be the time to run one kilometre if given the input of a one mile pace or the opposite if an input pace of time per kilometre is given.
Output Pace: Seconds (os)
Seconds portion of the output pace. The output pace will be the time to run one kilometre if given the input of a one mile pace or the opposite if an input pace of time per kilometre is given.
Output Units (ou)
Unit of length corresponding to the output pace. Kilometres if input is miles. Miles if input is kilometres.

Running Pace Metric Converter Solution

What is a runner's pace in time per kilometre if the runner's pace is exactly four minutes per mile?

  • The formula we can use to convert pace per mile to pace per kilometre
  • PACE = 4:00 * 1.609344
  • Substitute in the values. 4 minutes is the measured time. The factor is always exactly 1.609344. If minutes and seconds are mixed an easy solution is to convert the total time to seconds for the calculation then back to minutes and seconds after the calculation.
  • PACE = 240 * 1.609344
  • Converted time to total seconds to simplify calculation
  • PACE = 386.24256
  • Multiply time by conversion factor
  • PACE = 6:26.24256
  • Convert back to minutes and seconds by dividing seconds by 60 for minutes, then multiplying the decimal part by 60 for seconds
  • PACE = 6:26
  • Rounded to the nearest second
  • 6:26 Minutes:Seconds

Running a pace of 4 minutes per mile is approximately equivalent to running a pace of 6 minutes and 26 seconds per kilometre.

Running Pace Metric Converter Example

Convert a pace of 5:50 per kilometre to time per mile.

  • PACE = 5:50 / 1.609344
  • PACE = 350 / 1.609344
  • PACE = ~217.4799
  • PACE = ~3:37
  • 3:37 Minutes:Seconds

A pace of 5:50 per kilometre is approximately the same as a pace of 3:37 per mile.

Recommended: Estimate steps from distance

Miles to Steps

Running Pace Conversion Factor