Macronutrient Energy

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  2. Calculators >
  3. Fitness >
  4. Macronutrient Energy

Macronutrient Energy Calculation:

  •  p =

    Amount of protein, in grams, or empty

  •  c =

    Amount of carbohydrate, in grams, or empty

  •  f =

    Amount of fat, in grams, or empty

  •  C =

    Calories from macronutrients


    Choose the number of decimals to show in your answer. This is also known as significant figures. Select an appropriate amount of significant figures based on the precision of the input numbers.

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Macronutrient Energy Percent Display

Macronutrient Energy Formula

This calculator can be used to explore different macronutrient amounts to hit a specific Calorie target in your fitness plan or simply to estimate the amount of energy from food.

The required inputs are protein, calories, and fat amounts measured in grams. Protein and calories are assumed to have four Calories per gram and fat to have nine Calories per gram. Other considerations like fibre and alcohol related energy are not considered.

Visualize the energy percentage from each macronutrient in the chart above.

Cal = 4p + 4c + 9f

Macronutrient Energy Variables

Calculate an amount of energy, in Calories, from a specific amount of protein, carbohydrate, and fat, all measured in grams.

Protein (p)
Amount of protein, in grams, that will be consumed. Protein is assumed to have four Calories per gram.
Carbohydrate (c)
Amount of carbohydrates, in grams, that will be consumed. Carbohydrates are assumed to have for Calories per gram.
Fat (f)
Amount of fat, in grams, that will be consumed. Fat is assumed to have nine Calories per gram.
Calories (Cal)
Total Calories of energy calculated from the input amounts of macronutrients based on the energy assumptions per gram.

Macronutrient Energy Example

In a day of eating if a person consumes 115 grams of protein, 200 grams of carbohydrates, and 85 grams of fat approximately how many Calories is this?

  • Cal = 4p + 4c + 9f
  • Cal = 4(115) + 4(200) + 9(85)
  • Cal = 460 + 800 + 765
  • Cal = 2025
  • 2025 Calories

Consuming 115 grams of protein, 200 grams of carbohydrates, and 85 grams of fat results in about 2025 Calories of energy.

Calculate Macronutrient Targets

Macronutrient Amount from Percent Calculator